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Hey! I’m Connor Wentworth. If you’re here, you should definitely know that by now, but never hurts to clarify, I guess. I am a playwright to all, a silly goose to many, a general nuisance to more, a pop star you’ll know one day to my mom, and a future SURVIVOR winner to all who meet me. One may also find myself self-producing original plays and musicals and collaborating with my friends on new projects. And at the end of the day, I get shit done. 

I am complicatedly proud to have grown up in a small town in Down East Maine – if you ever went to Acadia National Park during a summer vacation, you likely drove past my High School or stopped in my hometown for gas. If you want more information about what life was like growing up in a small town in the middle of nowhere, I invite you to read my plays Blue Neighbourhood, Resting Place (Part 2), and the first two acts of QUEER BAIT.


I am a proud alumnus of Boston Conservatory, where I was the third graduating class of the BFA Contemporary Theater program. I was also the first student to graduate from Boston Conservatory with an emphasis in Playwriting. Not to brag or anything, but I created the emphasis myself. 


I am proud to be specific with my love and interests and love to share them all the time. A passionate lover of the color purple, curating Spotify playlists, taking cross-country trips just because I want to, dancing through the streets of New York City with my friends, yapping about the most recent season of SURVIVOR, watching movies, and enjoying life and being silly. 




I am proud to be a playwright who makes the plays I wish I could have seen when I was 16 and to make the plays I hope to see when I am 60. Plays that are gut-wrenching and beautiful, just like this silly little life. Plays that explore Queerness in its rawest forms – from its highest highs to its lowest lows. Plays that demand like-mined bold, game-changing artists who are looking to reinvent and redefine what “Queer Theatre” can be. Silly plays, that are sticky, that are something that leaves you asking questions and seeking answers. I write plays that not only scare me to create and share but also plays that feel like I am seeking giants. (always seek the giant).


I am proud to be kind. I believe theatre is the oldest form of storytelling for a reason. I believe theatre should be documentation, a present for the future, an indicator of facts – we all have stories to tell, and although we may not be alive forever to tell them, we can leave the fossils of our stories behind.


So if anjy of this sounds fun to you, please let me know! Please hire me to commission a play for you – I would love to open up my arms and give my words to you. 


All the love!

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